Youth Ministries

Youth Group

We have two main groups of youth that join together for special events at least once a month. Our “Inbetweeners” group of sixth and seventh grade students meets on Wednesday evenings, and our “812 Youth Group” of eighth to twelfth grade students meets on Sunday evenings. From games to art to Bible study to service projects, we do it all. We are a small youth group with lots of quirky personalities and we love to make new friends!

Worship Arts

Join us! Our church has vibrant worship services with exceptional presentations from talented soloists, bands, choirs, and musicians.

If you are interested in adding your talents to our worship services, volunteer to be a part of our Celebration Choir, the Koinonia and Rolling Tones Bell Choirs, or the Contemporary Worship Team. Debbie Jones is our Worship Arts Director so please contact her for more information.

We hope you will consider sharing your talents and skills with us!

Email Debbie Jones

Children's Ministries

Weekly Sunday School Classes

Offered at both services during the school year, and during first service in the summer.


Ages 0-3 offered at both services.

We have a trained staff to care for children who are CPR certified and provide a loving, Christ-filled environment.

Weekly Bible Builders

Wednesday evenings during the school year for children ages 4-11.

This class focuses on Christ and how children can dive deeper into a relationship with God.

Adult Ministries

If you are interested in joining any of our classes or small groups, please call the church office for details at (208) 888-2245.

First Steps

Classes offered annually to build a solid foundation.

  • Spiritual Gifts
  • Church
  • Bible
  • Alpha

Small Groups

After Alpha

This group of lively learners reads and discusses assorted spiritual books. We would love to have you join us!

Card Makers

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Please send them by email to

(208) 888-2245