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A fountain pen atop a handwritten letter.

Lenten Study

Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 p.m.

March 12 - April 16 in the Sanctuary

Henry J.M. Nouwen’s Letters to Marc About Jesus recalls the author’s correspondences with his teenage nephew, a boy struggling with issues of faith and spirituality in an apathetic age. Pastor Laurie will lead us in a study of Nouwen’s heartfelt letters as he imparts a powerful wisdom born of an unassailable faith. Sign up with the church office by Wednesday March 5th.

A stack of pancakes topped with syrup and butter.

Pancake Breakfast

Feb 22, 8 - 11:30 a.m., FLC

Meridian Troop 1 invites you to join them for all-you-can-eat pancakes, sausage, eggs, & hash browns, plus a silent auction.

$5 per person (kids 5 and under eat free with a paying adult)

Handbells and sheet music on a table

Handbell Concert

Join us on Saturday, Feb. 8 at 6:30 p.m. at Central Gym (1415 6th Street South, Nampa) where your Koinonia Handbell Choir will be participating in a joint FREE concert with other ringers at the Snake River Handbell Conference!


Have a prayer request?

Please send them by email to prayer@meridianumc.com

Tuesday Bible Study

Join us for bible study each week at 2 p.m.

Or view it on Wednesday when it has been posted online.

To watch previous sessions please click on the SEE ALL STUDIES below.

See All Studies

(208) 888-2245