Saturday, April 5th 6-8pm
Our popular Trivia Night is on April 5th. $10 per person on teams of 6 will compete for bragging rights while supporting our Warm Heart Youth mission trip. You don’t have to have a full team to sign up, we’ll put you on one that has room! Call the church office to sign up!
The Angels Alive Choir is working hard on their annual musical and want to invite any kids age 4 - 5th grade to join them!
Rehearsals are on Wednesdays at 7:00 or select Sunday rehearsals at 12:15. See Debbie Jones for details.
April 7, 12-5pm
Our next blood drive is coming up on Monday, April 7th and we have room for you! See Lisa Miller to sign up for a spot and save a life.
Join us for bible study each week at 2 p.m.
Or view it on Wednesday when it has been posted online.
To watch previous sessions please click on the SEE ALL STUDIES below.